Friday, August 24, 2007

There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

You Laughed Like A Watermark

Early Out The Gate

Late night skate fest for the third time this week. My back is destroyed but it is so worth it.
Lindley Elementary has turned out to be a pretty good spot, especially for someone who sucks as bad as I do.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

But still I am in love with this life

Conversations With The Dead

And you'll be shivering cold on a well lit stage.

Today was my last day at my work because I have to go back to school in a week. I would much rather be going to work everyday than school.

The cubicle on the left there is where an older dude named David Bryant sits. David told me this week about a guy who used to work there who was super into Playboy for some reason. The guy left a bunch of old Playboy magazines when he retired years ago and I found one in Locker #9 in the bathroom.

NAP ZONE!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Blowin' In The Wind

I Am the Sun, I Am the Air

I took a day trip to the west, into the mountains, with my three best friends yesterday. It ruled so hard and you should totally take a trip of your own before the summer is over.

We ate dinner on the Broad River and this was our view. Everything about it just crushed me, it was so sweet.

My dad worked on this substation and hydro power plant a few years ago. It had some amazing views and stopped there twice on the trip.

This house was straight out of some weird dream, it was perched up on a huge hill, with nothing else on it besides that cold, dead tree. So awesome.