Thursday, May 29, 2008


My digital camera just up and broke last week, so that's why I haven't posted anything new in a week.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

He Knows That All His Hopes And Dreams Begin And End There

I am so cool.Shoes or not.Matt was high as a kite.Look at the amazing bearded DJ guy, he was so out of place.Hey Will.Brooke and balloons.Under a willow tree at 5 in the morning.These are all from the roll of black and white film that I took on prom night.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

You Just Walked Away And I Just Watched You, What Could I Say

We are all so awkward and out of place, except for the fact that I love ESPN.Lee took the rest of these pictures.Whoah dude! Nice one! This place is hilarious!Yes, embrace the alcohol in excess, drink even more than you ever wanted to at dinner.These are the polarized sunglasses I got from Taylor's car to go with the beer/sports/man theme of the restaurant, evidentially they're made for fishing. I look like a totally different person.