Friday, June 13, 2008

Tonight You Just Close Your Eyes And I Just Watch You, Slip Away

All of these pictures were taken by David Gunn on our trip to the mountains. This was the first time using film and they turned out really good, I love so many of them.

I love this one of the dam.

I love this one of Taylor and Haley and the awesome other couple we shared our swimming hole with.

This one of the parking lot from our second floor motel room is really sweet and I feel like the one below kind of summarizes the trip better than any other one.

I love this one of Taylor.

Just modeling some euroshorts.

Allie, Haley, Taylor, David, Lee, Madeline, and me all together because of the self-timer.


Chelsea said...

That last picture is so beautiful! You filled the frame with youth.

Unknown said...

holy cow joel all of these are awesome

jm! said...

i love the ones out on the rocks jumping and such. they look like stills from like an old 60s movie projector or something.